CCA HooK V2.0 For Private (Super violence)Site:http://sites.blockstar. Übersetzung - CCA HooK V2.0 For Private (Super violence)Site:http://sites.blockstar. Englisch wie soll ich sagen

CCA HooK V2.0 For Private (Super vi

CCA HooK V2.0 For Private (Super violence)

Uma verção nova do cca

Use: Duplo - clique CCA.exe em CS jogos, activado automaticamente.

???CS1.6 V3266, 3147,2148,3213??Inscreva - se para CS1.6 V3266, 3147,2148,3213 versão

??CS?,???????ID???CCA??Após inserir CS, a violência no ID modo adicionados automaticamente antes CCA marcas

????: Chaves:

?????????O botão esquerdo do mouse sobre a estrada Vá
L??????(??????) L violência suave conversão (padrão modo suave)
H??????(11?, 9?, 8?, 7??????11) H segmentação local conversão (11, 9, 8 torácicas, 7 abdominais padrão entre os primeiros 11)
R R???de balas
F1/F2/F3/F4: scout/awp/sg550 g3sg1/m249 F1/F2/F3/F4: scout/awp/sg550 g3sg1/m249
DEL???DEL Console
P??????A terceira pessoa Conversion P
K??????K canto o ajuste flexível

_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _ /
?????????????????Algumas versões do uso da informação e funcional versão atualizar informações
_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _ /
[????] [Priority ataque]
??[F11],????ID. Pressione [F11] para verificar jogador ID.??ident???ident?,??ident 10,???ID??10?????????! Id ident
importação de Canadian jogadores, como ident 10, disse que iria ID, 10 jogadores incluídos na prioridade ataque !?[F10]??! Press [F10] apuramento!
???????????. Alterado abanar a cabeça quando radares estabilidade.

[????],???ltfxspeed??,????????????????. [Accelerated maneira], adoptada ltfxspeed modelo, a velocidade sobre a versão anterior foram
grandemente levantadas. Robô?????,??????,?????????. Bot em tempo running, ajuste automático sentido de minimizar a porta cartão foi bloqueado.

[????] [Parâmetros mudar]
?????????,??????,???start.cfg???: Após é o número de parâmetros importantes, desde revistas de referência pode start.cfg de modificações:
Thruwall????====???2, escuteiro?awp????????????,??????????. Thruwall desgaste muro significa ===== padrões a 2, escuteiro e awp pode limitar
A distância máxima tiro metas, objectivos não podemos, neste momento sobre a faca.???1?,?????. Definir a 1:00, faca antes de trabalho.
Hitbox???????====??11,????. Hitbox alvo tiro ponto ===== padrão 11, disparando sua cabeça.
Autobuy????====??1,0???. Autobuy automático??===== padrão 1,0 para blindagem.
Walkmode??????,?1-3,??????????????! Walkmode figura andando forma de 1-3, de acordo com os resultados dos testes para ajustar sua máquina!

[????hitbox] [ambição forma hitbox]
?????????hitbox??,????addvec???????,????! Como utilizar hitbox tiro modo kernel, e, portanto, qualquer addvec ordens são não - funcional, modificar

[??????] [Corner flexível ajuste]
?K?????????,?10 ° ~ 90 °, pingue????, pingue????,????????. Key valores ajustados pelo K correr canto de 10 ° a 90 °, alto para baixo Chave pingue,
pingue baixa para um elevado perfil, você encontrará o melhor ângulo.
Pingue?30??,?????30 °. Ping 30 no interior, o melhor é provavelmente 30 °.????????. De acordo com a configuração individual ajustamentos.

????????????,??????,??????. Integrated violência e retomar forma suave, mas mais humano, e muito sutil.????????,??????,????,??????????. O padrão
entrou no jogo, é suave modo, além de auto - contido, e todos os outros como normais.?????????,?L?????,????. Não é facilmente encontrado no bar, de acordo com L botão alterna violência, de modo suave.

[Soundesp] [Soundesp]
???????????,???????! O inimigo pode avançar tendências observadas e destinar - se para mais precisos!????????,????Scripts.cfg,??+ AutoRoute,??Speed,
??????300. Se esse ritmo não é suficientemente rápido, pode abrir Scripts.cfg encontrar + AutoRoute, modificar Speed, o mais importante não mais de 300 .

??kyros básico?gancho????,??????,??????,????????????????????,???????????. Kyros básico usado para gancho novo núcleo, o código Simples refinação e
acelerar mais fluente, a terceira pessoa modo pode - se observar que a figura mais estreita sem jitter, que é um dos principais no passado as diferentes.
??FPS??,??FPS??,???fps_.cfg???fps.cfg????. Join FPS otimização, se FPS pobres, pode ser renomeado fps.cfg fps_.cfg otimizada.

????: CCA Hook V2.0.rar
Von: -
Zu: -
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
CCA HooK V 2.0 For Private (Super violence)Website: cheat-cs@hotmail.comA new Spanish version of the CCCUse: double-click CCA.exe in CS, games will be automatically activated. ??? CS 1.6 V3266, 3147, 2148.3213?? Sign up for CS 1.6 V3266, 3147, 2148.3213 version ?? CS?,??????? ID?? CCA? After inserting CS, violence in ID mode automatically added before CCA marks ????: Keys: ????????? The left mouse button on the road Go L?????? (??????) L mild violence conversion (default mode) H?????? (11?, 9?, 8?, 7?????? 11) H local segmentation conversion (11, 9, 8 thoracic, abdominal 7 default among the first 11) R R?? bullets F1/F2/F3/F4: scout/awp/g3sg1/sg550 m249 F1/F2/F3/F4: scout/awp/g3sg1/sg550 m249 INS?? INS Menu DEL??? Del Console P?????? The third person Conversion P K?????? K corner the flexible adjustment _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _ / ????????????????? Some versions of the use of information and functional version upgrade information _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _ / [????] [Priority attack] ?? [F11],???? ID. Press [F11] to check Player ID. ident??? ident?,?? 10 ident,??? ID?? 10?????????! Ident ID imports of Canadian players, such as ident 10, said it would ID, 10 players included in priority attack!? [F10]?! Press [F10] clearance! ???????????. Changes shake your head when stability radars. [????],??? ltfxspeed??,???????????????. [Accelerated way], adopted ltfxspeed model, the speed over the previous version were greatly raised. Robô?????,??????,?????????. BOT running time, automatic sense of minimizing the door card was blocked. [????] [Parameters change] ?????????,??????,??? start.cfg???: After is the number of important parameters, since reference magazines can start.cfg of modifications: Thruwall???? ====??? 2, a boy scout? awp????????????,??????????. Thruwall wall wear means === 2 standards, Scout and awp can limit The maximum shooting distance, goals we cannot at this time about the knife??? 1?,?????. Set the 01:00, knife before work. Hitbox??????? ====?? 11,????. Hitbox target shooting section == === 11 standard, firing his head. Autobuy???? ====?? 1.0???. Autobuy?? == == = 1.0 standard for shielding. Walkmode??????,? 1-3,??????????????! Walkmode figure walking form of 1-3, according to the results of the tests to adjust your machine! [???? Hitbox] [ambition hitbox form] ????????? Hitbox??,???? addvec???????,????. How to use hitbox shot kernel mode, and, therefore, any addvec orders are non-functional, modify invalid! 2007.3.27 [??????] [Corner flexible adjustment] ? K?????????,? 10° ~ 90°, Ping ping????,????,????????. Key values set by K run 10 corner° to 90°, high to low ping Key, Ping low to a high profile, you'll find the best angle. Ping? 30??,????? 30°. Ping 30 inside, the best is probably 30°????????. According to the individual configuration adjustments. 2007.4.8 ????????????,??????,??????. Integrated violence and resume smoothly, but more human, and very subtle.???????,??????,????,??????????. The default entered the game is smooth so, apart from self contained, and all others as normal.????????,? L?????,????. Is not easily found in the bar, according to L button toggles violence, so smooth. 2007.4.18 [Soundesp] [Soundesp] ???????????,???????! The enemy can advance trends and to be more precise!???????,???? Scripts.cfg,?? + AutoRoute,?? Speed,?????? 300. If this pace is not fast enough, can open Scripts.cfg find + AutoRoute, change Speed, the more important not to over 300. 2007.5.10 ?? Kyros basics? hook??,?????,?????,????????????????????,???????????. Kyros basics used to hook new core, the code Simple refining and accelerate more fluent, the third person so it can be observed that the closer figure without jitter, which is a major in the past different. ?? FPS??,?? FPS??,?? FPS cfg _.?? fps.cfg????. Join FPS optimization, if poor FPS, can be renamed fps.cfg fps _. cfg. ????: CCA Hook V2.0.rar
Übersetzt wird, bitte warten..
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]

CCA hook v2.0 for private (super violence)

web site: http: / / / cheats _ hacker / sample.html
MSN: cheat - CS @
verção's new CCA

use: double click cca.exe in CS games, activated automatically.

? ????? CS1.6 v3266, 314721483213? ? sign up for CS1.6 v3266, 314721483213 version

? ? CS? ,? ????? ????? ????? ID? ????? CCA? After entering CS?The violence in the ID follows automatically added before the ACC marks

? ????? ?: Keys:

? ????? ????? ????? ????? The left mouse button on the road go
l? ????? ????? ? (? ????? ????? ?) l violence smooth conversion (standard soft mode)
H? ????? ????? ? (11? 9? 8? 7? ????? ????? ? 11) H segmentation site conversion (11, 9, 8, 7, thoracic, abdominal pattern between the first 11)
r r? ????? Bullets
F1 / F2 / F3 / F4:Scout / PWA / SG550 g3sg1 / M249 F1 / F2 / F3 / F4: Scout / PWA / SG550 g3sg1 / M249
ins? ? ins menu
del? ????? Del console
p? ????? ????? The third person conversion p
k? ????? ????? ? K song

flexible adjustment _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /
? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? Some versions of the functional use of information and version update information
_ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /
[? ????? ?] [priority attack]
? [F11],? ????? ? ID. Press [F11] to check player ID? ? ident? ????? Ident? ,? ? ident 10? ????? ID? ? 10? ????? ????? ????? ????? . ID ident
importation of Canadian players, such as ident 10, said he 'd id, 10 players included in the priority attack. [F10]? ?!Press [F10] clearance.
? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? Shake your head when radars. Altered stability.

[? ????? ?]? ????? Ltfxspeed? ????,? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????. [accelerated way], adopted ltfxspeed model, the speed on the previous version were
greatly raised. Robot? ????? ????? ,? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????? ????? . BOT in long running, automatic adjustment to minimize the door card was blocked.

[? ????? ?Change] [parameters]
? ????? ????? ????? ????? ,? ????? ????? ????,? ????? Start.cfg? ????? : after the number of important parameters, from magazines, reference can start.cfg changes:
thruwall? ????? = = = =? ????? 2, Scout? AWP? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????. Thruwall wear wall means = = = = = patterns 2, scout and PWA can limit
the maximum distance shooting targets, goals can not, at this time on the knife. ????? 1. ,? ????? ????? .Define the 1: 00, knife before work.
Hitbox? ????? ????? ????? = = = =? ? 11. ????? ????. Hitbox target shot point = = = = = standard 11, firing his head.
AUTOBUY? ????? = = = =? ? 1.0? ????? . AUTOBUY automatic? = = = = = standard 1.0 for shielding.
walkmode? ????? ????? ????,? 1 - 3? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?! Walkmode figure walking form of 1 - 3, according to the results of the tests to adjust your machine!

[? ????? ? Hitbox] [ambition]
Hitbox form? ????? ????? ????? ?? Hitbox? ????,? ????? ? addvec? ????? ????? ????? ,? ????? ?! How to use Hitbox shot kernel mode, and, therefore, any addvec orders are non functional, modify
invalid! 2007.3.27

[? ????? ????? Flexible adjustment?] [corner]
? K? ????? ????? ????? ????? ,? 10% ~ 90%, Ping? ????? ?, Ping? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????? ????. Key values are adjusted by the K run corner of 10 º to 90 º, high to low key, Ping, Ping a low to a high profile
.You will find the best angle.
Ping? 30? ????,? ????? ????? 30 º. Ping 30 inside, the best is probably 30 º. ????? ????? ????? ????. According to the individual configuration adjustments. 2007.4.8

? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????. Integrated violence and resume smoothly, but more human, and very subtle. ????? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????. The standard
entered the game, is smooth in this way, self - contained.And all the others as normal. ????? ????? ????? ????? ,? L? ????? ????? ,? ????? ????. It is not easily found in the bar, according to l button toggles the violence of the soft mode. 2007.4.18

[soundesp] [soundesp]
? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ,? ????? ????? ????? The enemy can move observed trends and intended for more accurate. ????? ????? ????? ????? ,? ????? ? scripts.cfg,? ? autoroute,? ? speed,
? ????? ????? . 300. If that rate is not fast enough.You can open scripts.cfg find autoroute, change speed, the more important not to over 300. 2007.5.10

? ? Kyros basics? The hook? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????,? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? Used to hook new. Kyros basic core, the code simple refining and
accelerate more fluent, the third person mode can be observed that the figure closer without jitter.
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