Хорошо одетая молодая женщина идет по улице. Навстречу — год не мывшая Übersetzung - Хорошо одетая молодая женщина идет по улице. Навстречу — год не мывшая Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Хорошо одетая молодая женщина идет

Хорошо одетая молодая женщина идет по улице. Навстречу — год не мывшаяся бомжиха в грязном балахоне, со спутанными грязными волосами и с соответствующим амбре.


— Мадам, дайте два доллара на обед.

Мадам, вынимая 10 долларов из кошелька:

— Скажите мне, только честно, если я дам вам 10, а не 2 доллара — вы, наверное, вина купите?


— Что вы! Я завязала много лет назад.
— А может, вы пойдете на шопинг вместо того, чтобы купить еду?
— Нет, нет, какое там, мне еда важнее!
— А может, вы на них в парикмахерскую или в салон красоты сходите?
— Вы с ума сошли: я лет 20 в парикмахерской не была!


— В таком случае я вам дам 100 долларов при условии, что вы пойдете со мной и моим мужем в ресторан.


— Да ваш муж вас убьет! Я ж грязная и запах у меня тот еще!
— Ничего, ничего! Пусть знает, как выглядит женщина, которая не пьет, не ходит по магазинам и не бывает в парикмахерской!!!

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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
Well-dressed young woman walking down the street. Towards the year does not myvšaâsâ bomžiha balahone in the dirty, dirty with messy hair and with appropriate ACH.Bomžiha:-Madam, give two dollars for lunch. Madame, taking out 10 dollars from a purse:— Tell me honestly, if I give you 10 instead of 2 dollar — you probably buy wine?Bomžiha:Is That you! I have formed many years ago.— Or maybe you go on shopping instead of having to buy food?"No, no, what I there food is more important!— And maybe you in the barbershop or the beauty shop go?-Are you crazy: I have 20 years in the barber shop was not!Madame:— In this case, I'll give you 100 dollars on the assumption that you will go with me and my husband in the restaurant.Bomžiha:-Yes your husband will kill you! I f the dirty and smell I have one yet!— Nothing, nothing! Let them know how it looks like a woman who doesn't drink, doesn't walk shopping and does not happen at the hairdresser!Source
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Well-dressed young woman walking down the street. Towards - year not myvshayasya bomzhiha in dirty overalls, with matted dirty hair and with an appropriate scent.


- Madame, give two dollars for dinner. Madame, taking $ 10 from her purse: - Tell me honestly, if I give you 10 instead of $ 2 - you probably buy wine? Bomzhiha: - What are you! I struck up a long time ago. - Maybe you go for shopping rather than to buy food? - No, no, what there is, I'm eating is more important! - Or maybe you're on them to the hairdresser or beauty salon go? - You crazy: I have 20 years in the barber shop was not! Madam: - in that case, I'll give you $ 100 on the condition that you come with me and my husband to the restaurant. Bomzhiha: - Yes, your husband will kill you! Well I'm dirty and I smell one another! - Nothing, nothing! Let him know, looks like a woman who does not drink, does not go to the shops and is not in a barber shop !!! Source

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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
well dressed young woman is on the street. towards the year мывшаяся hobo in the dirty dirty robes, with twisted hair and the амбре.hobo:- ma"am, give me two dollars for lunch.madame, twenty ten dollars out of my purse.- tell me, honestly, if i give you ten, but not $2 you must buy the wine?hobo:- what are you? i took many years ago.- you may go shopping instead of buying food?- no, no, no, no, no, it"s more important!- maybe you to the barber or beauty shop go?- you"re crazy, i"m 20 years old in the shop was not.madame:in that case, i"ll give you $100 if you will come with me and my husband in the restaurant.hobo:- yes, your husband"s gonna kill you! i"m dirty and smell, i have one!- nothing, nothing! let them know what is a woman who doesn"t drink, doesn"t go shopping and do not in the shop. !!source
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