Conrad, привет! Спасибо за твое письмо и спасибо за фото ! Твоя дочь о Übersetzung - Conrad, привет! Спасибо за твое письмо и спасибо за фото ! Твоя дочь о Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Conrad, привет! Спасибо за твое пис

Conrad, привет! Спасибо за твое письмо и спасибо за фото ! Твоя дочь очень красивая и кажется она похожа на папу ! Мне было приятно с тобой общаться и я чувствовала себя комфортно. Да, сын тренируется много. У него 9 тренировок в неделю . На данный момент он находится на Чемпионате Украины. Он прикладывает много усилий и я ему в этом помогаю. Мой английский язык не очень хороший , но я стараюсь изучать его самостоятельно . Мой сын мне в этом помогает . Спасибо за рассказ об истории 9 ноября . Для меня было интересно узнать, что у вас есть этот день памяти. Мы празднуем 9 мая , как День победы над фашисткой Германией . Конечно, увидела новости о теракте в Париже . Это ужасно ! Мне становится страшно за весь наш мир . Conrad, я понимаю, что здесь трудно найти женщину твоей мечты . Но и в реальной жизни возникают трудности с поиском второй половины . Это мои мысли . Надеюсь, что у нас еще будет возможность говорить . Хорошего дня. Тепло, Алена .
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
Conrad, Hello! Thank you for your letter, and thanks for the pics! Your daughter is very beautiful and it seems she looks like Daddy! I was pleased to communicate with you, and I felt comfortable. Yes, the son of practicing a lot. He had 9 workouts a week. At the moment he is in the Championship of Ukraine. He puts a lot of effort and I help him in this. My English is not very good, but I try to learn it yourself. My son helps me. Thanks for the story of 9 November. For me, it was interesting to know that you have this memorial day. We celebrate may 9 as the day of the victory over Nazi Germany. Of course, I saw the news about the terrorist attack in Paris. It's awful! I feel terrible for our whole world. Conrad, I understand that here it's hard to find the woman of your dreams. But in real life I'm having problems with the search for the second half. These are my thoughts. I hope that we will have another opportunity to speak. Have a good day. Heat, Alain.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Conrad, hello! Thank you for your letter and thank you for the photo! Your daughter is very beautiful and it seems like the Pope! It was a pleasure to communicate with you, and I felt comfortable. Yes, the son of a lot of training. He has 9 workouts per week. At the moment he is on the Ukrainian Championship. He puts a lot of effort and I help him in this. My English is not very good, but I'm trying to learn it on their own. My son helps me in this. Thank you for the story of the history on 9 November. For me it was interesting to know that you have this day of remembrance. We celebrate May 9 as Victory Day over Nazi Germany. Of course, I saw the news of the terrorist attack in Paris. It's horrible ! I fear for our whole world. Conrad, I realize that it is difficult to find the woman of your dreams. But in real life there are difficulties with the search for the second half. These are my thoughts. I hope that we will have the opportunity to speak. Have a nice day. Heat, Alain.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
conrad, hello! thank you for your letter and thank you for the pictures! your daughter is very pretty, and she seems to like my dad! it was nice talking to you, and i feel comfortable. yes, he has a lot has 9 training a week. it is currently in the championship of ukraine. he has made a lot of effort and i'm in this help. my english is not very good, but i'm trying to study it son, i this helps. thank you for telling me about the history of november 9. i was interested to learn that you have this day of remembrance. we're celebrating on 9 may, the day of victory over fascist germany. of course, thei saw the news about the attack in paris. it's terrible! i tremble for our whole world. conrad, i understand that it's hard to find the woman of your dreams. but in real life it is difficult to find the other half.this is my thoughts. i hope that we will have the opportunity to speak. have a good day. warm, alain.
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