Термин «эпитафия» произошел от греческого epitaphios — надгробный. Эпи Übersetzung - Термин «эпитафия» произошел от греческого epitaphios — надгробный. Эпи Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Термин «эпитафия» произошел от греч

Термин «эпитафия» произошел от греческого epitaphios — надгробный. Эпитафия представляет собой надпись на памятниках, которая выполнена зачастую в стихотворной форме. В эпитафии люди выражают свои эмоции и чувства, связанные с утратой близкого человека. Есть и эпитафии, в которых якобы сам умерший обращается к прохожим, типа «Постой, прохожий!...».
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
The term "epitaph" is derived from the Greek epitaphios-the gravestone. Epitaph is an inscription on the monuments, which performed frequently in poetic form. In epitaphs people express their emotions and feelings associated with the loss of a loved one. There are epitaphs, which supposedly deceased himself appeals to passers-by, type "postoy, passer!".
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
The term "Epitaph" is derived from the Greek epitaphios - gravestone. Epitaph is the inscription on the monument, which is often carried out in verse form. The epitaph people express their emotions and feelings associated with the loss of a loved one. There is an epitaph in which he supposedly died appeals to passers-like "Wait, a passerby! ...".
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
the term "эпитафия» originated from the greek epitaphios - tombstone. epitaph is an inscription on the monuments, which is often стихотворной form. in to people express their emotions and feelings associated with the loss of a loved one. and to myself, which supposedly deceased appealed to innocent bystanders, "wait, passerby! ".
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