Ich möchte das du in der Schule Vanvaras Deutschschule, Sukhumvit Road 38, Pattaya, Thailand diesen a1 Vormittagskurs 3377 27.01.14 28.04.14 Mo-Fr, 09:00 12:15 h mit machst.
I want you to German school in the school vanvaras, sukhumvit road 38, pattaya, thailand a1 this morning price 3377 01/27/14 04/28/14 Mon-Fri, 09:00 to 12:15 doing.
I want you in the school Vanvaras German school, 38 Sukhumvit Road Pattaya, Thailand this morning course 3377 a1 27.01.14 28.04.14 Mon-Fri, 09:00 12:15 h with are doing.