Один человек пришел к мудрецу за советом:
- Мы с женой давно не испытываем прежних чувств друг к другу, я ее больше не люблю, да и она меня, наверно, тоже. Что мне делать?
Мудрец ответил:
- Любить ее.
Человек подумал, что мудрец не расслышал:
- Но я же говорю, никаких чувств не осталось!
Мудрец кивнул:
- Это хороший повод, чтобы любить ее.
Человек продолжал спрашивать:
- Но как же любить, если не любишь?!
И вот что он услышал:
- Служить ей, слушать ее, ценить ее, сопереживать ей, жертвовать ради нее собой. Для подлинной любви нет никаких преград, ибо слово "Любить" означает не чувство, а действие.
One man came to the sage advice: -My wife and I haven't feel old feelings for each other, I no longer love, and yes it me, probably, too. What do I do? Sage replied:-Love it. People thought that Sage didn't catch:-But I'm telling you, no feelings not left! Sage nod:-This is a good reason to love her. People continued to ask: -But how do you love if not love?! And this is what he heard:-Serve her, listen to her, cherish her empathize with her sacrifice for the sake of it themselves. For true love, there are no obstacle for the word "love" means not feeling and action.
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A man came to the sage advice:
- My wife and I for a long time do not feel old feelings for each other, I do not love her, and she me, probably, too. What should I do? The wise man said: - To love her. The man thought it wise not to hear: - I'm telling you, no feelings left! The sage nodded: - This is a good reason to love her. The man went on to ask: - But how love, if not love ?! And this is what he heard: - serve it, listen to it, to appreciate it, to empathize with it, sacrifice for it themselves. For true love there are no barriers, for the word "love" is not a feeling, and action.
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one man came to мудрецу for advice:
- my wife long time are not old feelings for each other, i don't love her anymore, and she's probably. what do i do?
the sage said:
- to love her.
people thoughtthat man did not hear:
- i said no feelings left!
the sage just nodded,
is a good reason to love her.
people kept asking me:
- but how to love, if not love? !
is what he heard.to serve her, listen to her, cherish her, empathize with her sacrifice for her sake. for true love have no limits, as the word "love" is not a feeling, it's effect.
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