What video game is the following image from? http://goo.gl/1f5lhJ:This Übersetzung - What video game is the following image from? http://goo.gl/1f5lhJ:This Slowakisch wie soll ich sagen

What video game is the following im

What video game is the following image from? http://goo.gl/1f5lhJ:
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Ergebnisse (Slowakisch) 1: [Kopieren]
What video game is the following image from? http://goo.gl/1f5lhJ:This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots.
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Ergebnisse (Slowakisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Čo videohra je nasledujúci obraz z? http://goo.gl/1f5lhJ:
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