And I'm alive, matusen′ko, live, At least we have the dishonorable so shoot. For them his people, enemies. If you will, for what, I know ... I know, mom, how are you sore, OTA is my kind of unbridled success, But not crying. Let our enemies From the nemoŝì of his bitter cry. And I'm alive, matusen′ko, live, For us the truth! Im not overcome! Here, just a pity that our enemies, Poisoning us, my brother by blood. And I'm alive, matusen′ko, live And don't ask me, I'm afraid. Let the fear of our enemies, And you pray. I, the mother, pray ...# Revolution # Êvromajdan #Ukraine # EU # Europe # #Lviv # # Ukraine Kyiv Lviv # News # Berkut
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