Dear Ms Schlenker,.Thank you for the information. We all know which article it is.Please affirm you Walter. Hermes the rest of the order.So can we get a partial delivery do, avoid the Lieferverzцgerung and see what happens then.Is it your opinion, possible?With friendly GrьЯen,.Elena storeyMVF GmbHGeschдftsfьhrungOpernTurm60306 Frankfurt am mainTel: + 49 –(0)69-667748 292Fax: + 49 - (69) - 667748 291By: Ute Schlenker [] Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 12:34To: storey@mvf-gmbh.deSubject: WG: your request 704958 Dear Ms. storey,We apologize for the Verzцgerung.Currently, we have problems with the requested products with suppliers. We need once Preiserhцhungen abklдren and at the same time, delivery problems of this suppliers abklдren. Please be understanding that a search for possible alternative suppliers, we accelerate parallel, or this Abklдrungen take time. We are behind this most emphatically. I assume that in KW 22 we give final decision you can.We ask again for Verstдndis. But we can only binding offer with delivery times give you off, if we abgeklдrt have these problems.
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