Uterus: Position anteverse et gravide il existe un sac gestationnel arrondie intra cavitaire a contours reguliers de 16mm de demetre du grande axe correspondant a une Grossesse de 5
Uterus: anteverted position and gravid there is a rounded gestational sac intra cavitary has Demetre 16mm regular contours of the corresponding large axis has a Pregnancy 5
Uterus: Anteverse and gravid position there is an intra-cavitar rounded gestational sac with regular contours of 16mm demetre of the large axis corresponding to a Pregnancy of 5
Uterus: a circular endoluminal surgical bag with a regular contour of 16mm in front of the uterus and in the sunken position. The residence of the major axis corresponds to the pregnancy of 5mm.<br>