De kabel is m.e.r.-beoordelingsplichtig op grond van categorie D24.2 B Übersetzung - De kabel is m.e.r.-beoordelingsplichtig op grond van categorie D24.2 B Englisch wie soll ich sagen

De kabel is m.e.r.-beoordelingsplic

De kabel is m.e.r.-beoordelingsplichtig op grond van categorie D24.2 Besluit m.e.r.
Deze is dan ook meegenomen in de m.e.r.-beoordeling. De m.e.r-beoordeling is bijgevoegd als bijlage 1 van het separate bijlagenboek.
Hieronder worden enkel de belangrijkste conclusies weergegeven.
In de m.e.r-beoordeling zijn de milieueffecten beoordeeld van het project Luchterduinen (windpark en kabeltracé).
Op basis van de te verwachten milieueffecten is het plan voor de aanleg van de 150 kV-hoogspanningskabel geoptimaliseerd. Hierbij is tevens rekening gehouden met de wensen van bewoners en de eigendomssituatie. Uiteindelijk is daar de variant uit geselecteerd met enerzijds de geringste effecten op ecologie en omgeving en anderzijds een goede technische en economische uitvoerbaarheid.
Ten opzichte van het oorspronkelijke tracé is de ligging van het tracé op twee plaatsen aangepast. Daarnaast is voor de passage met EHS-gebied Leeuwenhorst gekozen voor aanleg onder het gebied door middel van diepe boring.
De wijzigingsaanvraag Wbr-vergunning met de m.e.r.-beoordelingsnotitie is aan de Commissie m.e.r. voorgelegd. Uit het advies van de Commissie m.e.r (bijlage 2 van het separate bijlagenboek) volgt dat er voor het kabeltracé voldoende milieu-informatie voor de besluitvorming beschikbaar is.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
The cable is m.e.r.-beoordelingsplichtig on the basis of category D 24.2 m.e.r. Decision This is included in the m.e.r.-rating. The m. e. r-rating is attached as annex 1 to the separate annexes book. Below are only the main conclusions.In the m. e. r-rating assessed the environmental effects of the project are Crystal dunes (wind park and cable route). On the basis of the expected environmental impact is the plan for the construction of the 150 kV high-voltage cable optimized. It also takes account of the wishes of residents and the ownership situation. On the one hand there is the variant from eventually selected with the slightest effects on ecology and environment and, on the other hand, a good technical and economic feasibility. Compared to the original route is the location of the route adapted in two places. In addition, for the passage with EHS area leeuwenhorst chosen for instance within the area through deep drilling.The Wbr license with the change request m.e.r. assessment note is submitted to the Commission m.e.r.. From the opinion of the Committee on m. e. r (separate annexes annex 2 of the book) that follows the cable route enough environmental information for decision-making is available.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
The cable is EIA assessment requirement because of category D24.2 Decision mer
This is therefore included in the EIA assessment. The EIA review is attached as Appendix 1 to the separate appendix book.
Below are displayed only the main conclusions.
In the EIA assessment are the environmental impacts assessed for the project Luchterduinen (wind farm and cable route).
Based on the anticipated environmental effects are plan for the construction of the 150 kV high-voltage cable optimized. It also took account of the wishes of residents and the property situation. Ultimately, there is the variant is selected from on the one hand with minimum impact on the ecology and environment, and on the other hand a good technical and economic feasibility.
Adjusted with respect to the original route is the location of the route in two places. In addition, for the passage of EHS area Leeuwenhorst chosen for construction within the area through deep drilling.
The change request Wbr permit with the EIA assessment note is submitted to the NCEA. From the opinion of the NCEA (Annex 2 to the separate enclosed book) it follows that for the cable route sufficient environmental information is available for decision making.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
the cable is beoordelingsplichtig eia eia under category d24.2 decision (this is also included in the eia beoordeling. the m.e.r-beoordeling is attached as annex 1 of the separate bijlagenboek. below are the main conclusions: only in the m.e.r-beoordeling are presented. the environmental impact assessment of the project luchterduinen (wind farm and kabeltracé).
on the basis of the expected effects is the plan for the construction of the 150 kv high-voltage optimised. taking into account the concerns of residents and ownership. finally, there is the variant selected with the least impact on ecology and environment and a good technical and economic feasibility.
compared with the original route is the location of the project in two places adapted. in addition to the passage with ehs area leeuwenhorst chosen for construction within the area through the application of deep borehole. the wbr licence with the eia eia beoordelingsnotitie is presented to the commission. in the opinion of the commission.r (annex 2 of the separate bijlagenboek) follows that the kabeltracé enough environmental information for decision-making is available.
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