8. When the mixture stops fogging there should be a mush left.
9. Fill the pitcher up with either fuel described above. Pour the mixture into a zip lock bag be careful not to spill it 10 refill the pitcher make sure to get all the white gun lock out of it. Also fill this into the bag. You can start another bag it does not matter. Strain the large bag with coffee filters the first time saving both the liquid and the mush leaving the mush in the original bag. You should have mush in one bag and a semi-clear fuel in another. Separate the semi clear fuel into two different bags filtering them through coffee filters again. You should now have three bags. 2 with clear liquid one with mush. Fill the mush bag back up with fuel and repeat the previous steps. Discard the mush bag .... For those who want everything the can get repeat this step once more to make 6 bags. Fill each bag up to half the bag with fuel and re-filter them 5 times using a new bag each time. Now you should have completely clear looking fuel. It is essential that none of the gunk remains. If gunk remains and you proceed with the next step it will cause the bags to engulf in flames wrecking everything, burning you and your surroundings! For those who want to be extra safe and have bags to waste continue to filter it. Also note when filtering use 2 or 3 filters and change them every time more=better!
10. Pour the pop bottle 1/3 of the way full with salt. Cut a hole in the top of the pop bottle cap to fit the fish hose. Insert a hose approximately six inches long into the cap let it hang about a ? inch into the pop bottle. Do not put the cap on yet. Pour 1 teaspoon of rooto (sulfuric acid) into the bottle. Screw on the top making sure the hose does not come into contact with the mixture. A smoke be produced and come out the hose when you squeeze the bottle.
11. Hang the bags from 2 nails a piece and place a small hole to fit the fish hose.
12. Insert the hosing making sure not to touch the liquid. Squeeze the bottle to fill the bags with smoke. Move from bag to bag filling each bag densely. Wait 1 minute then open the bag to release the smoke so it does not become stale. Repeat the process for apoxmently 2 to 3 hours. After a half hour dope should begin to appear in the bottom of the bag. The liquid may be ran through a coffee filters at any time to catch the dope that seams to magically appear in the bag. Continue this process tell no more dope appears.
13. Set the dope to dry. It may be smoked as soon as it's filter but has an awkward fuel taste until it's dry. If done correctly this should yield around 14 grams.
14. Burn all evidence!
15. After the filters dry throw them in a pop they get you really fucked up cause their caked in dope.
16. Make sure not to leave them around that how my friends step dad is in prison, filters and fuel cans!
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