مرحبالطيفة للوفاء لكم وأنا التمس لعقلك يو friendship.would الطيبة للوصول لي من خلال (F.nwo@hotmail.com) حتى أننا يمكن أن نعرف بعضنا البعض أكثر. ليس حقيقية لدى الكثير من الوقت لتأتي إلى هنا للدردشة دائماً
Mrhabaltifh to meet you and I seek your mind u friendship.would to reach me through (F.nwo@hotmail.com) so we can know each other more. Not true I have plenty of time to come here because im always
Mrehalatifh to meet you and I ask for your mind U friendship.would good to get me through (F.nwo@hotmail.com) so we can know each other more. Not true at a lot of time to come here always to chat
Mrhbaltyft to meet you and I ask for your mind friendship.would U kind of getting me through (F.nwo@hotmail.com) so that we can know each other more. It's not true for much of the time to come here to chat.