Замахнись на невозможное. Перемахни несколько ступенек, раз уж по воле судьбы оказалась у подножия. Лезь вверх, пока не выдернули лестницу. Будет страшно – помолись, но не отступай.
Zamahnis′ on impossible. Peremahni a few steps, as the fates Decree turned out at the foot. Climb up until you pull the ladder. Would be scary-but not pray to give.
Zamahnis the impossible. Peremahni few steps, since the will of fate was at the foot. Climb up until you pulled the ladder. It will be terrible - pray, but do not give up.
hails the impossible. перемахни several steps, since the fate was at the bottom of the. get up until i pulled the ladder. be afraid, pray, but don"t give up.