Турнир прошёл успешно. Мы занили по Ханты Мансийскому Автономному Округу 3 место. Как у тебя дела? Как твоё здоровье. Я не писал так потому что был занят важными делами.
The tournament was held successfully. We zanili to Khanty Mansijsky autonomous region 3 place. How are you doing? As your health. I didn't write so because was busy with important affairs.
The tournament was a success. We zanili of Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous District 3 seat. How are you? How is your health. I did not write so because he was busy with important things.
the tournament was a success. we занили in khanty мансийскому autonomous district 3 seat. how are you doing? how is your health. i wrote it because i was busy doing important stuff.