Vashon Island bookmaker, artist and calligrapher Suzanne Moore has been swimming against this tide for most of her career. She makes manuscripts, lettering them by hand, illustrating them and then turning them over to her husband and an assistant to bind. Collectors buy them. Sometimes they commission them. When, in the late 1990s, Moore was one of two American artists chosen to participate in the creation of , a 1,150-page illuminated Bible made from vellum (calfskin), hand-ground paints, ancient inks and quills, she was thrilled, and a little awed.“It was the hardest and most challenging thing I’ve ever done,” Moore remembers. She creates alone — “I put it out in the world, and there’s one collector who wants to have it in their collection. I don’t have a committee, and I don’t have an art director. The idea of this big far-flung community making this one book was just ... larger than life.”Today, Moore’s illustrations lie within the pages of the original Saint John’s Bible, on display at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library on the campus of Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minn. “Heritage Editions, ” fine-art replicas of the original, have been acquired by institutions including Yale University, the Mayo Clinic, the Vatican Library, and Gonzaga University in Spokane.Die Geschichte der Bibel das Saint John's ist eine Inspiration, Zusammenarbeit und Hartnäckigkeit. Saint John's Bibel Vertreter Brad Neary nennt es eine "Bibel für das 21. Jahrhundert" für seine ökumenischen Geist und Betonung der modernen Empfindungen. Aber es ist eine Bibel mit sehr alten Vorgeschichte.Es war die Idee von Donald Jackson, ein anderer Künstler mit einem One-of-a-Kind-Job. Jacksons offizieller Titel lautet "Schreiber und Kalligraph der Krone Amt des Vereinigten Königreichs Großbritannien und Nordirland." Offizielle Schreiber der Königin, mit anderen Worten. Er hat seine eigene Skriptorium in Wales.In den 1990er Jahren begann Jackson, auf der Suche nach Unterstützung für seine Vision einer Hand beschriftet, Hand-beleuchtet-Bibel, Gespräche mit Vertretern der Saint John's University und die Saint John's Abbey, ein Benediktinerkloster auf dem Campus des College, etwa 90 Meilen nordwestlich von Minneapolis-St. Paul.Das Kollegium und die Abtei vereinbart, die Bibel der Kommission. Der voraussichtliche Preis war $ 3 Millionen; wie viele großen Visionen, die endgültige Kosten wäre viel mehr — $ 8 Millionen, ausgelöst vor allem durch Spenden.Jackson montiert ein Team von Schreiber in England. Er schuf ein Drehbuch für die Bibel, die jeder Schreiber lernen mussten, auf Jacksons anspruchsvollen Spezifikationen zu replizieren.“I could not have been one of the scribes,” says Moore. “They had to make the texture and the weight and the pattern of the lettering look continuous.” And Jackson put a call out to artists worldwide to join him in creating the “illuminations,” the combination of paintings and script inspired by specific chapters and verses.The Bible’s narrative was created thousands of years ago, by many different writers, and scriptural passages have generated thousands of years’ worth of argument. Moore relied on the Saint John’s Committee on Illumination and Text, composed of theologians, biblical scholars, artists, lay people and others, to interpret the text she was charged with illustrating. “Sometimes it was a paragraph, and sometimes it was a page,” she says. “I couldn’t have done it without it. I had a light-handed Christian upbringing, but there was so much I didn’t know.”The committee wanted an ecumenical approach, so she was encouraged to draw imagery from different spiritual traditions. For example, Donald Jackson’s illumination, “Geneaology of Jesus,” includes names in English, Hebrew and Arabic.
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