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После более чем десяти лет споров по поводу того, стоит ли допускать телевидение в британский парламент, лорды, наконец, разрешили установить камеры в своей палате. Однако палата общин отказывается принять такое же решение. Один из основных противников телетрансляций заседаний парламента — премьер-министр М. Тэтчер. Она оправдывает свою позицию тем, что подобные передачи потребуют слишком больших затрат. Но, как считает лондонский корреспондент американской газеты «Крисчен сайенс монитор» , причина упорного сопротивления Тэтчер кроется в нежелании делать достоянием гласности критические выступления в адрес ее правительства. А как заявил во время недавних дебатов лорд Уайтлоу, немалую проблему представляет и тот факт, что многие парламентарии на заседаниях попросту спят. Появление на телеэкранах дремлющих законодателей отнюдь не послужит росту их авторитета. («За рубежом» , № 9, 1985)
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
After more than a decade of debate over whether to allow television in the British Parliament, Lords, finally allowed to install cameras in his house. However, the House of Commons refuses to take the same decision. One of the main opponents of tv broadcasts of Parliament sessions — Prime Minister m. Thatcher. It justifies its position that such transfer would require too great a cost. But, according to the London correspondent of the American newspaper, the Christian Science Monitor ", the reason for the stubborn resistance of Thatcher lurks in the unwillingness to make public criticisms against the Government. And as stated in the recent debate, Lord Whitelaw, a major problem is the fact that many parliamentarians at the meetings were simply asleep. The appearance on television does not necessarily serve as legislators dormant growth of their credibility. ("Abroad", no. 9, 1985)
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
After more than a decade of debate about whether to allow television in the British Parliament, the Lords was finally allowed to install cameras in their room. However, the House of Commons refuses to take the same decision. One of the main opponents of the TV coverage of the parliament - Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. It justifies its position that such programs would require too much effort. But, according to the London correspondent of the American newspaper "Christian Science Monitor", the reason for Thatcher's stubborn resistance lies in the unwillingness to make publicly known criticisms against her government. And as stated in the recent debate, Lord Whitelaw, a considerable problem is the fact that many members of parliament at the meetings just sleep. The appearance on television dormant legislators will not increase their credibility. ("Overseas», № 9, 1985)
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
After 10 years of disputes should allow television in the upper house of the British Parliament. Finally, the installation of cameras, allowing in his ward.However, the house refused to accept the same decision. One of its main rival parliament has advanced studies. From the party, and for me in a meeting with Prime Minister M. Thatcher. She confirmed their place,Such a transmission cost too much. However, America newspaper that "Music London reporter Christian" scientific monitoring,The reason is that Mrs. Thatcher's stubborn resistance, refused to make a public speech, she criticized the government. In a recent debate. In a series of PI, said lord,This is not a small problem, in fact, many of the members at the meeting simply fell asleep. Appeared on the TV screen, lawmakers will sleep their authority and no growth. ("overseas, No. ninth, 1985)
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