Moldova intend army quruculuğunu azad and araşdırmaçı mediasız imagine norm any more15. März 201515. März 2015 caspiandefenseSweden army 14 years 15 changed her world of military qulluqçuSwedish-armyThe Caspian Military Researches İnstitutu (Caspian Defense Studies Institute), "Azerbaijan's security and Defense sector human rights status is" connected with the project within the various European ölkələrindəki keçiriir out müqayisəsini of the situation in the analogy.This time, Sweden's Armed Forces soldiers in the army and the people of statistikanı and ölümləri fees connected with status you'll presented.A death ...Sweden's Armed Forces following an official decision açıqladığı that the 1995-2008 as a result of various events in the world of the 15 persons were received draft deferment for changed her. 1956 -2014-Rd in the Sweden international armed forces military əməliyyatlarda 82 qulluqçusunu military itirib. 17 of them received combat but changed her world of on Nagorno.It compared to bildirək that, Sweden's Armed Forces personal Board in 1995-2008 numbers approximately 50-55 people was and their staff of 40 mükələffiyyətli minini edib. Sweden's army in full since 2008 müqaviləli sistemə keçib, this is why the itkilərlə connected to the USSR in the full. Sweden's Armed Forces soldiers now that IE ölümləri problem is a reflection we.Already in the army of Sweden 50 min sistemə müqaviləli müqaviləli service is manned and persons full transition is complete in the 2018 to deal with reconstruction.Human rights situationSweden's Armed Forces human rights situation are always the focus of attention during recent years. This direction dördbucaq illustrated during recent years, the emphasis on a formula: first – the essence of Parliament, the second is the respective main komitələri – independent Ombudsman, and the third – the armed forces, and finally, the fourth – azad and araşdırmaçı media. This förmul to the Armed Forces of Sweden is şəffaflığını hesabatlı. Azad and araşdırmaçı media all except the secret military documents speech by military sənədlərə Daka has been provided. If any of the leadership of the armed Qüvvələrin Mediada owned published information by carefully in depth and serious measures will be seen. Moldova intend army quruculuğunu azad and araşdırmaçı mediasız imagine norm any more.Thus, the last of the Armed Forces that their research, Sweden human rights violation connected with any of the diqqətçəkən an event's Chief verməyib. The country's Armed Forces currently serve this military qulluqçuların məvacibləri vəzifəsindən, rütbəsindən, service müddətindən, 15,000 euros monthly in hanging approximately 4,000 – varies between.
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