Fit For Hiring? It's Mind Over Matter New York - Members of America's  Übersetzung - Fit For Hiring? It's Mind Over Matter New York - Members of America's  Indonesisch wie soll ich sagen

Fit For Hiring? It's Mind Over Matt

Fit For Hiring? It's Mind Over Matter
New York - Members of America's professional and managerial classes have always left college confident of at least one thing: they had taken their last test. From here on, they could rely on charm, cunning and/or a record of accomplishment to propel them up the corporate ladder.
But that's not necessarily any longer. A growing number of companies, from General Motors Corp to American Express Co., are no longer satisfied wit traditional job interviews. Instead, they are requiring applicants for many white-collar jobs - from top executives down - to submit to a series of paper-and-pencil tests, role-playing exercises, simulated decision-making exercises and brainteasers. Other put candidates through a long series of interviews by psychologists or trained interviewers.
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Ergebnisse (Indonesisch) 1: [Kopieren]
Fit For Hiring? It's Mind Over Matter New York - Members of America's professional and managerial classes have always left college confident of at least one thing: they had taken their last test. From here on, they could rely on charm, cunning and/or a record of accomplishment to propel them up the corporate ladder. But that's not necessarily any longer. A growing number of companies, from General Motors Corp to American Express Co., are no longer satisfied wit traditional job interviews. Instead, they are requiring applicants for many white-collar jobs - from top executives down - to submit to a series of paper-and-pencil tests, role-playing exercises, simulated decision-making exercises and brainteasers. Other put candidates through a long series of interviews by psychologists or trained interviewers.
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Ergebnisse (Indonesisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Fit Untuk Menyewa? Ini Mind Over Materi
New York - Anggota kelas profesional dan manajerial Amerika selalu meninggalkan kuliah yakin setidaknya satu hal: mereka telah mengambil tes terakhir mereka. Dari sini, mereka bisa mengandalkan pesona, licik dan / atau catatan prestasi untuk mendorong mereka menaiki tangga perusahaan.
Tapi itu belum tentu lagi. Semakin banyak perusahaan, dari General Motors Corp untuk American Express Co, tidak lagi wit puas wawancara kerja tradisional. Sebaliknya, mereka membutuhkan pelamar untuk banyak pekerjaan kerah putih - dari eksekutif atas ke bawah - untuk menyerahkan serangkaian tes kertas dan pensil, latihan bermain peran, simulasi latihan pengambilan keputusan dan brainteasers. Calon put lain melalui serangkaian panjang wawancara dengan psikolog atau pewawancara terlatih.
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